Retirement & Life Insurance

403(b) Voluntary Retirement Plan (all adjuncts):

All adjunct professors are eligible to voluntarily contribute to a 403(b) retirement plan via payroll deduction up to the IRS elective deferral limits*.  You can contribution to TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity; both plans offer a Roth option. 

To enroll, complete a Salary Reduction Agreement to elect a whole percentage or flat dollar amount you want to contribute per pay period.

More information about the various programs is available at

For additional questions about the retirement plans, please contact

*If an employee made or will make elective deferrals (Pre-Tax Contributions) or Roth Contributions to a retirement plan not maintained by the university in this calendar year, the employee is responsible for ensuring that all his/her contributions in aggregate do not exceed his/her IRS elective deferral limit.


401(a) Defined Contribution Plan (PHP):

For Preferred Hiring Pool (PHP) adjuncts:
The university will contribute an equivalent of 10% of a PHP adjunct professor’s gross monthly salary to the university retirement program through TIAA-CREF. More information is available at

Contributions are remitted after each pay period to a 401(a) Defined Contribution Account.  You choose how to invest your money from the different investment options. However, if you do not make a selection, the default investment option is the Life Cycle Fund closest to the year you turn 65.

Adjunct professors in the PHP with at least two years of university service will automatically be vested in this retirement plan.

Life Insurance (PHP):

All Preferred Hiring Pool adjunct professors actively at work are eligible for $40,000 in basic life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. This amount reduces by 65% at age 70. The plan is through CIGNA; USF pays the full premium for both basic life and AD&D insurance.

Newly eligible PHP adjunct professors will be sent a notice to login to USFWorks to complete the process by assigning a beneficiary. For more information, contact